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gis学术论文 三维GIS的基本问题探讨(6)

时间:2008-01-16 10:56来源:GPS之家-导航之家 作者:www.gpsuu.com
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  Abstract This paper reviews 3D GIS’s characters and related software development, discusses its some basic problems such as data acquisition, 3D data storage and handling, 3D spatial snalysis, etc. and points out that on one hand currently 3D GIS’s development is restricted by inefficient 3D data model and data structure, difficulties of 3D data acquisition, large amount 3D data procession and storage, and 3D spatial analysis, on the other hand, 3D GIS can be facilitated by mature Visualization of Scientific Computation, Database, Digital Image Procession technique and 2D GIS’s theories and experience. At last, four important points about 3D GIS software development are presented in this paper: ① At present 2D data model and structure is still one basis of GIS software, and 3D data structure is only one secondary part; ② Boundary Representation must be used as one primary method in 3D modeling, Raster structure and integrated or hybrid Vector-raster structure can only be auxiliary method; ③ Some special data structure and spatial algorithm need to be researched to support efficient 3D spatial analysis; ④ 3D city modeling is becoming one more and more important aspect of 3D GIS research and development.

  Keywords 3D GIS Basic problems Data structure






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